Consulting Services
Stimulation Consulting
Our consultants perform duties including stimulation treatment, quality control, and assist in overall site efficiency. Our consultants oversee many types of completion projects in conventional stimulations, non-conventional multi-stage stimulations, acidization, open-hole simulations, simulfracs, re-fracs, and DFIT execution. Typical on-site implementations also include:
On-site Safety Analysis
Pre-treatment Fluid, Chemical and Proppant Quality Control/Optimization
Equipment QC
Real Time Data Collection
Treatment Optimization & Cost Reduction
Chemical & Fluid System Optimization
Screen Out Minimization, Prevention, Re-injection Methodology & Processes
Post job Data Analysis, Documentation, and Compilation
Completions Consulting
Our completions consultants oversee the entire well site and manage all activities and personnel. Day-to-day field operations include the management of all vendorsfor their accountability and safety. Our consultants are experienced with all aspects of a completions project types including zipper fracs, simulfracs, DFITs, pre and post-frac rigups/rigdowns, multi-staged wireline perforations procedures, and post frac drillouts. Typical on-site management implementations include:
Well Site Management Control
Performing Job Safety Meetings
Optimization of Field Staff Operations and Efficiencies
Toe-Prep Activities
Field Contact for Customer Needs
Well Control Services – Zipper and Well Valve Operations
Wireline Operations Quality Control
Drill-out Control and Implementation
Coiled Tubing/Workover Management
Finalize Well Completions Handovers
Engineering Consulting
Our engineering consultants work with our clients to optimize their input and requests to create a completions plan that minimizes the costs to maintain AFE estimates. Our office engineers are experienced with pre-job planning, completions management, and completions design. Some of the typical design aspects include:
Cost Analysis
Completion Vendor Acquisition
Frac/WL job design and implementation
Field Activities Representative
Post job Treatment Analysis
Job Performance/Implementation Investigations and Review
Future Project Improvements Consultation.